"The most beautiful face is always the face of the peaceful mind!"
As rightly stated by Mehmet Murat Ildan, a beautiful face is essential to master a peaceful mind. May it be a mental problem or a physical problem that affects our face, it is essential to kick it out immediately. Imagine that you have crafted a beautiful painting pouring in a lot of hard work. But accidentally, you spilled some paint on it and now it has some tiny black spots. Though the spots are tiny, they will undoubtedly impair the beauty and perfection of the painting. Just like that, even small dark spots on your clear and beautiful face would unquestionably spoil the beauty of your face.
Factors that lead to dark spots:
Knowing the root cause will help us uproot this problem at the earliest. The main factor that contributes to this problem is the excessive production of the pigment melanin. Added to this, here are the other common causes that lead to dark spots:- Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays
- Heredity
- Persistent Medication (Continuous usage of certain drugs can spoil the skin)
- Skin inflammation
- Diabetes
- Irritation due to the use of certain products that have harsh chemicals
Preventing something before its occurrence is undoubtedly better than taking measures to cure it after its onset. So, understand the reason for the occurrence of dark spots on your face and root the dark spots out.
Natural and proven ways to eliminate dark spots on your skin:
Here are a few traditional practices that will help us remove dark spots and enjoy flaunt-worthy skin:-


Sandalwood powder
Sandalwood powder is not only known for its fragrance but also for its medicinal value. 1 spoon sandalwood powder, 1 spoon orange peel powder are mixed with enough orange juice to get a paste. Instead of a turmeric face pack, this fragrant sandalwood face pack could also be used. It really works wonders.
It is well known as an energizing summer drink that helps you beat the heat. But, it can also offer the best remedy for dark spots. Take a cotton ball, dip it in butter milk and gently apply it on the spots. If you have pimples, a pinch of lemon juice could also be added to this. Please leave it to dry for 15 minutes and rinse using lukewarm water.
Apple Cider vinegar


Honey and Manjistha
Intense Dark Spot Remover - Fading Serum (50ml)
Apart from using natural ingredients like aloe vera, turmeric, sandalwood, and so on, there is a wide variety of creams and serums that provide the best possible solution without any side effects. One such beauty product you can rely upon to diminish dark spots is Mitchell USA Intense Dark Spot Remover. It brightens the skin and improves the complexion with its natural ingredients like Sacred Lotus Seed extracts, Pomegranate oil, and Sea Fern extracts. It is an ideal solution suited for all skin types like normal, oily, sensitive and acne-prone skin. Beneficial points of this serum are:- Provides even skin tone
- Stops aging
- Removes dark spots
- Treats pigmentation
- Enhances skin elasticity
- Reduces wrinkles
- Minimizes fine lines